Behind the scene for the Mike Kubena interview

Episode number 2 of the The Corporate Corner Podcast is out and I am so happy to share this conversation with Mike Kubena.

This was my first interview and it was important for me that it was Mike, I really like to talk to him and I knew it wouldn’t overly stress me.

So off we went to Denver to see Mike, this was back in August this year and we were in California so Colorado was only 2 hours flight away.

We started the day with a 70 kilometer bike ride. We had been saying for years we were going to cycle together and this was the opportunity and I knew it was also a good chance for me to get Mike a little tired before the conversation.

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Behavior trickles down

Managers come and managers go but a company persists. It is like it
does not matter at the end how a manager behave, what he or she
does or what core values they inspire, the production and the
company will persists more or less regardless as long as there is
knowledgeable employees who knows what to do.
But it does matter and it does impact us all deeply and with the
leader role comes a big responsibility, not only to make your
company a success but also to create an environment where people
like to be, where they want to work and where they can go home



Continue reading “Behavior trickles down”

The Beginning



It all began many years ago, when we didn’t even know each other yet, but both knew from the inside out, that Corporate could be different and there was something more, waiting. What that would be, didn’t become clear, until recently when things crashed down, so we could rebuild, even better.


We are husband and wife, co-creators, business people, parents, advisors, teachers, conscious life and business coach, wellness & alternative health explorers, consultants, friends, creators, inventors, builders, writers, podcasters, bloggers and more.


Overall, we imagine you to be apart of our ever growing vision of people looking to learn & teach from the past, moving into future effect change, share stories, listen, use our sounding board, explore new & old directions and have fun with what comes up around corporate here and around the world.

TCC Project

Create a community together, through sharing stories, ideas and thoughts. Bring you great podcast discussions and stories.  Straight talk interviews.  And, hopefully a show to look forward to!


This.. is the beginning..

Soon we travel exploring new Interviews, work and discussions you won’t want to miss.

It’s all unfolding, so stay tuned to hear what happens next. Interviews will be recorded, soon. So, keep reading and we will update as we go.

Coming up

Much more bubbling in our minds. We have a super interview  line up for our 9 for 9.  Our 1st 9 week season will be weekly.  Can’t wait to get it all going, to edit and upload. Exciting days ahead. Stay tuned;)